Sly Fox Fortified Arinto Wine Club Member Price

Sly Fox Fortified Arinto Wine Club Member Price


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The variety is noted for it’s ability to thrive in hot, dry conditions. Arinto is one of the few white varieties that can maintain it’s natural acidity during long hot summers resulting in beautifully fresh vibrant wines. Having spent some quality time in Portugal “researching” different varieties and styles, Arinto was a clear stand-out. In addition to the beautiful, fresh, crisp dry-white styles we discovered these amazing fortifieds. Stylistically so different to the traditional very sweet, aged fortitified wines we were accustomed to in Australia. Hence our Sly Fox was born!

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WINEMAKING: Hand harvested. Open fermented on skins for 7 days. Pressed off skins at 5 baume. Fortified at 3.5 baume. Matured in French oak for 10 months. No added acid, enzymes, fining agents. Minimal SO2 added just prior to bottling.

WINEMAKER : Andy Coppard

VITICULTURALIST:  Jonathon James Harvey

VINEYARD: Chalk Hill Viticulture’s Lanark Vineyard